Specs: litt Sound Segment

Use the litt Sound Segment to add another signaling dimension to litt’s CleanVision® LED signals. The segment creates maximum attention due to programmable sound patterns which can be set up to complement or to even enhance the litt Color Segments' visual lighting signals. Choose your preferred melody, sound pattern and volume level and thus achieve an optimal signaling effectiveness for any field of application.




Maximum attention. Thanks to the litt Sound Segment.

  • Sound signals create maximum attention
  • Programmable volume and sound patterns
  • Twist ’n’ Click system for easy installation
  • Maintenance-free
  • Ultra-rugged design
  • To be used in combination with litt Base Controller / Base Controller Wall Mount
  • To be mounted as the top litt segment
  • Height: 42 mm
  • ∅ 51 mm
  • Order information: YT9210 litt Sound Segment